Thin-film solid oxide fuel cell with hierarchical mixed oxides nanostructured electrodes

Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) are efficient in converting hydrogen-based fuel to electrical energy, but durability and performance enhancement are crucial for sustainable deployment. Intermediate Temperature (IT) SOFCs are attractive due to their longer lifetime and lower temperature operation. The development of SOFC electrodes with enhanced electrochemical activity is essential, with porous and nanostructured electrodes providing abundant active sites for electronic conductor, electrolyte, and gas phase interaction. This project aims to develop thin film IT-SOFC with cathode and anode using novel designed nanostructured oxide electrodes for high performance hydrogen conversion. The cathode will have hierarchical porous nanostructured electrodes with high electrochemical activity, while the anode will have highly crystalline nanowires for enhanced electron transport and stability. This collaborative effort between Singapore and Italy aims to enhance the output power of integrated SOFCs for scalable or distributed autonomous applications. 

Duration: 2023-2026

Recent Activities

14th December 2023
Prof. Elisabetta Comini gave an invited oral presentation at MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023 Conference in Kyoto, Japan.

8th December 2023
Prof. Elisabetta Comini met Prof. Pooi See Lee, Prof. Daniel Chua and Mr. Nicola Bianchi (Embassy of Italy) in Singapore.

29th September 2023
ITA-KOR Bilateral project is at "Notte dei Ricercatori 2023", a dissemination event for general audience in Brescia.

15th September 2023
Kick-Off Meeting