
NTU & UNIBS were signing a Memorandum of Understanding in 2011 to ease the exchange of students & researchers. The labs involved in this project were strongly collaborating in 2009-2012 period. The collaboration was focused on chemical sensing devices preparation, specially testing innovative metal oxide semiconductors capable of detecting polluting gases and monitoring the environment in remote areas.
Three publications on international recognized journals were published (doi: 10.1039/c0nr00871k, 10.1016/j.snb.2011.09.073, 10.1016/j.snb.2012.03.054).

This proposal will renew & expand the collaboration and synergies between the two Countries. UNIBS has a leading experience in preparing metal oxide nanostructures that have proven to improve greatly the fuel cell performances, while the Singapore team has a well recognized experience in oxides synthesis through wet chemical approach and thin film deposition for electrochemical energy storage devices. Integrating these materials & expertise into fuel cells will give rise to superior performances in terms of efficiency, lower operation temperature & high peak power. 

This project will be an opportunity to strengthen our scientific relationship & exchange knowledge in this area of research.

Nanyang Technological University - NTU

National University  of Singapore - NUS