
Information on personal data processing on the Portal and on thematic and service websites

The notice is provided under Article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 - Personal Data Protection Code - for those who use the Portal web services, accessible online via the address corresponding to the home page of the official website of the University of Brescia.

This privacy policy is exclusively for the University Portal and not for other external websites, which users may access via the links given on the portal.

This privacy policy defines the processing methods of the data of the Portal users, in compliance with the guidelines for websites issued in 2011 by the Ministry for Public Administration and Simplification.

This privacy policy can be revoked by specific legal notices found in the online services and can be updated and modified in light of the changes in legislation and information technology.

The University of Brescia reserves the right to modify this section at any time by giving notification via appropriate online tools.

Methods of data processing and rights of concerned parties

Personal data is processed for institutional purposes, both with and without electronic tools, for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected, complying with the principles of relevance, comprehensiveness and non-excess.

Specific safety measures are observed in order to prevent the leaking of data, illicit or incorrect usage and the use of non-authorised accounts.

Rights of concerned parties

Users can exercise their rights on their personal data specified in Article 7 of the Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 by sending a special request with the subject of "Privacy Rights" to the address Chancellor or by sending a hard copy addressed to the Chancellor as follows: Rettore - Università degli Studi di Brescia – Piazza del Mercato 15 – Brescia. Italy.

For other types of request, the application should be sent according to the area of responsibility, by consulting the list of those in charge of data processing. The list is shown here below.

The University of Brescia reserves the right to modify this section at any time by giving notification via appropriate online tools.

Personal Data Controller

The data Controller is the Chancellor of the University of Brescia.

Personal data Processors

1.     Data Processor of the data of the service called "Spazio Studenti" and of "Centro di Primo Ascolto".

2.     Head of the Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics Laboratory

3.     System administrator of the University in charge of maintaining and updating the register of employees that carries out functions and tasks relating to data processing systems and, as such, authorised for access to this data.

4.     Head of Human Resources

5.     Head of Economic Resources

6.     Head of Purchasing, Building and Safety Sector

7.     Head of General Secretarial Service

8.     Head of Control, Evaluation and Reporting Service

9.     Head of Student Services

10.   Head of Research and Technological Transfer Service

11.   Head of the Health Service and support for the Medicine and Surgery teaching activity coordinating facility

12.   Head of Administration of the Department of Medical and Surgical, Radiological Sciences and Public Health Specialties

13.   Head of Administration of the Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences

14.   Head of Administration of the Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine

15.   Head of Administration of the DICATAM - DIMI – DII support facility

16.   Head of Administration of the Department of Economics and Management and Law

17.   Cineca - Inter-university consortium - External Processor for data processed under the "Carriere e stipendi di Ateneo" (University careers and wages) Convention and for personal data concerning the "Catalogo e valutazione dei prodotti della ricerca" (Catalogue and evaluation of research products) application

Personal data joint-controllers

The University Regulation on Personal Data Protection (Privacy) is available to read on the linked page.

Webiste Cookies

The University Portal and MyPortal use cookies to give users better website function and to ensure correct user access to the reserved area.

Use of cookies

Cookies are text files used in the communications between web servers and user clients in order to allow access to content in a secure and efficient way, while simultaneously monitoring the use of the website.

Both the University Portal and MyPortal use several types of technical cookies:

In general the active cookies on these websites do not memorise information, session cookies are used to ensure correct access to the information on the restricted access page and browsers can be configured to delete cookies at the end of a session.  ATTENTION: Disabling this type of cookie does not allow for the use of the online services.

Monitoring Cookies

This University website use Google Analytics, a data analysis service provided by the company Google Inc. that enables the collection of information in order to provide statistical data in an aggregate form, on the number of users and on how these users visit the website, useful information to produce general statistics about the service and its use, aiming at improving the communication service.  

These cookies collect information in an anonymous form as described in the Google document "Safeguarding you data". 

How to deny cookies permission

In general, the users can configure their browser to delete, at the end of their session, the cookies acquired by using various recommended methods:

The users can also change the settings on their browser in order to disable third-party cookies.

For monitoring cookies it is possible to deny permission of use through a special additional component, developed by Google for the major browsers, available on the following page: "Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on. Such configuration does not compromise the use of the online services provided by the University.